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Stop Letting “Tactical” Drills Ruin The Way You Shoot!  - MAY 16, 2016 / LWALSH6


If you’re anything like me, and find yourself going the shooting range with the urge to run through that new tactical weapons drill you found on some internet forum, Instagram, or through a Gun based face book page …. STOP!



Wait why? Is it not the point of those drills to make someone a better shooter?



Before we can go ahead and start running any weapons drills, you need to ask yourself some important questions:

Is this drill going to benefit me, and make me a better shooter? if so how?

Is this the optimal drill to make me a better shooter?

What is the purpose of this drill?


The reason why these questions need to be asked is because:


It is one thing to go Ballistically Masterbate, while mindlessly dumping lead down range, and another thing to use every minuet and round at your dispense for the purpose of honing in and perfecting a learned skill set. If you can honestly answer the above questions and they all lead to a positive answer, then there is one more question to ask;


Do I have the necessary Training/Skill Set in place to run through this drill?


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